Unless the O365 team provides a support feature to change or add to your default tenancy name, the initial tenancy name that you choose on the sign up screen will be the same and only URL that works for all browser based sign on sites including SharePoint, OneDrive, Outlook, etc.
I bet you all think this doesn't happen a lot but I think I can name about 50 tenancy's like BrandName1.sharepoint.com right now and I can see plenty of room for;
- 'Oops, I typo'ed it'
- 'I thought we could change it later'
- 'Had I known that I couldn't change it, I would have stopped right there'
You should utilize the 6 P's of O365 on boarding and migrations.
Proper Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance
Ask your client "Are you OK with this tenant name for ever and ever, through sickness and health?Then check the names she suggests while on the phone with her using... PowerShell to the rescue!
Copy and Save the code with a meaningful name and run as such: :
Get-TenantStatus.ps1 -name "leekspin"This displays either "Taken" or "Available" ...so try putting your ex girlfriend's name in there.
Shout Out to Microsoft Engineer Aaron Dinnage with his awesome parenting post: