Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Office Repair for Lync 2013 popping up

I have Office 2013 installed on my Win7 Enterprise laptop, but along the way I failed to properly uninstall OneNote 2010 and some other components of Office 2007, like the Calendar Print Assistant.
The other day I decided to clean the GAC as it were, and Remove those 2010 and 2007 vestiges.
Since then, Lync 2013 keeps randomly popping up on top of other programs.
I needed to Use Office Repair feature to resolve and reboot.
Go To Add/Remove (start>run>appwiz.cpl)
Repair Office 2013.
No more pop ups.

Monday, November 18, 2013

IE11 Anime video and the IE8 End Of Life

This just in from MSFT and the O365 team...

Office 365 will no longer support Internet Explorer 8 after 8 April 2014.

For the best, richest experience with Office 365, we strongly recommend that you upgrade to the latest version of Internet Explorer. Internet Explorer 10 is available now, and Internet Explorer 11 is coming soon. Modern versions of Internet Explorer offer faster web browsing, integrated spell-checking, improved security, and more. Internet Explorer 8 users will not be blocked from connecting to Office 365 after 8 April 2014; however, Internet Explorer 8 users should expect slower performance with Office 365’s Outlook Web App and other Office Web Apps.

If you experience a technical problem connecting to Office 365 from Internet Explorer 8 after 8 April 2014, Microsoft Customer Support and Service may need you to reproduce the problem on a supported browser.

Anime Festival Asia Special Video - feat. Inori Aizawa

Friday, November 15, 2013

How to create departmental sub sites in O365

You just spun up a new O365 Tenancy and now you need to populate it for the client. ( P1, E1, doesn't matter here. This pertains to all types.)

You are also tasked with creating secured sub sites for the Intranet.

Presume for a moment that you've already had the discussion of what they want for a taxonomy with the SharePoint catalyst at the organization, by catalyst, I mean the Steering Committee, champion or leader.
For instance, they could direct you with " I want an, Admin Site, two Product sites and a Finance site and an HR site"

Ideally, you would want that person to email you an excel that looks like this to allow you to successfully create the new groups and apply the permissions. This could take some time to get, but provide them with this one, empty for them to fill out, and you might get a quick response.

SharePoint Group
Administration Site
Product Line A
Product Line B
Human Resources
Steve Doran
Helen Amaral
Debra Murphy
James Financier
Holly Francis
Mindy Loo
Jocelyn McDoon
Katherine Baxter
Jordan McCluskey
James Duby

Talli Evangelista
Janet Caponata
Brenda Fleming
Heather Klugh
Shah Fariz

Doral Comeau
Gabriel Lopez

Ann Comton
Janet Moore

All Employees
All Employees
All Employees


With that in hand, follow the below steps to create the sub sites:

Log into the site using the admin credentials
Using the Gear icon in the utility area, select Site Contents

Scroll to the bottom of this page and you will see where they hid the link to create a new Sub Site ;-)

Here you can name your subsite and set up security and navigation options

You now are asked to populate the new Security Groups.

You can individually add users here, but if you have a lot of users, this can take a long time.
Fortunately you have options.
1.      Windows Azure Powershell - See Blog Post on  'Howto configure O365 user passwords to never expire'
2.      Excel reformatting trick to get names to be able to paste into the People Picker box.
a.      You need to get your usernames in the format of email address or FirstInitial+LastName>
b.      To get that from "John Mongell" pop it into excel, Text to Columns, Space Delimited.
c.      Now take those two rows and split the first on delimited by first character.
d.      Now join that new initial with the last name column and append ";" 

After you click OK, your site will be provisioned.
Go back to the TOP LEVEL and do it again for the next site, but be sure to know where you are provisioning from!

 You don’t want to provision a sub site underneath the site you just created if it was supposed to be closer to the top.

Monday, November 11, 2013

SPSRI - Dynamics CRM and SharePoint integration

SPSRI - Dynamics CRM and SharePoint integration

I was excited when my speaker submission came back as accepted for SPSRI, a first time that Rhode Island has hosted a SharePoint Saturday and a first time that I have been accepted to speak.
I immediately pondered; 'OK, so what topic should a newb present that has not already been presented at one of these events?
I decided that since I have deployed countless Dynamics CRM + Sharepoint installations and have internally presented on the subject and written whitepapers on it. I would present this as a Best Practice and HowTo type of presentation.

As I said, this was my first time presenting at a SPS event so I concerned that there would be some Incognito hazing going on. But the speaker gods of the Northeast were kind, as well as Jason Himmelstein, Josh Cliff and Christopher McNulty,  and I escaped their wrath.
Plus, having my colleague Mike Gilronan along was a tremendous help. Absolutely read his recap, as it was quite poignant.

SharePoint integrates very nicely with Dynamics CRM and solves collaboration issues that we have seen with the other Customer Relationship Management system, called SalesForce. Our SF users often complain that SF lacks versioning and findability on entity documents. This is where DynamicsCRM + SP excels.
As promised, here is the slide deck that I presented.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Using OMPM or How to bulk convert Pre OpenXML formats to docX or xlsX

We recently performed a migration to O365 for a client with Office 2003. Their Office files were still in the old format, xls without the ending X. This is a Pre OpenXML format and you cannot view these files in Office WebApps. When the client uploaded them to SharePoint Online, they are forced to download them to view them.

We needed to either individually open each of the 1000 Office documents and 'Save As xslx, docx, pptx' or we would have to find a way to bulk convert these.

Fortunately for us, we did not have to convert their 1000's of files individually, and used a tool from MSFT for this purpose called the Office File Converter (OFC.exe) which is available from the OMPM suite.

Here are the steps that we needed to do.

Download Office Migration Planning Manager (OMPM) to the machine that hosts the files.
From <>

The installer extracts all tools and resource files by default to C:\OMPM
If your machine does not have Office 2003 installed, which by now it probably does not, then you will also need to install the Office compatibility pack to convert the files.

Once that is installed, open the C:\OMPM\Tools folder that contains tools the Office File Converter (OFC) and Version Extraction Tool (VET)

Following this guide for more information:

Using OMPM tools

Use the Office File Converter (OFC) to do bulk conversions of specific Office files that are in version 97 through 2003 file formats to the Office 2010 file formats.

Using the tool is a bit tricky. You really need to look at the documentation in the ini file.

One of the tricks was to ALSO include the FOLDER location from that INI file

For the OFC.exe to work there must be a [FoldersToConvert] entry in the OFC.INI file.
Fldr=C:\OMPM\TOOLS\EXAMPLE FOLDER\ (in this case I put all the files I wanted to convert into the “EXAMPLE FOLDER”)

You can put multiple folders under this folder,
OFC.exe will follow this path a convert all DOC and XLS files into DOCX and XLSX files. 
It will leave the old DOC file in the folder and create the new DOCX file right alongside.
The date created field will NOT change for the new DOCX or XLSX files

All the new files will be created in the appropriate folder, even if there are multiple layers of folders under the original location

In this case, the SourcePathTemplate and the DestinationPathTemplate listings in the OFC.INI file are just:


Monday, October 28, 2013

SharePoint Open PDF in Browser

Occasionally we get a user asking us why a PDF prompts to be saved instead of opening when they click on it from a website in a browser, any browser, not just IE or FF.

The answer is 50% because of an Adobe setting and 50% because of an Internet Explorer setting.

FireFox and Chrome do not have the browser issue, only IE requires the site name with the PDF be added to Trusted Sites.

The IE setting:
Add the site in question to the Trusted Sites list.
In IE, choose Tools > Internet Options and add the site to the Trusted Sites list.
Restart the browser.

The Adobe setting:
It is important that you have the latest Adobe software first off. Check the Taskbar icon to see if an Adobe update is pending. Often times an update to Adobe is already queued up and pending the user to just click the little A icon in the taskbar and continue the update.
Next is the critical piece of this "Open in browser" puzzle.

Open Adobe (either by "Start > All Programs > Adobe" or by just opening a PDF stored on the computer.
Then edit the preferences and assure the Checkbox is CHECKED for Display PDF in Browser:
From the Menu, click EDIT > Preferences

Then Check the box and close and close and reopen the browser.

Close the browser and reopen it.

Test, issue should be resolved.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

How to configure passwords to never expire in O365

Install the Windows Azure AD Module

You must install the appropriate version of the Windows Azure AD Module for Windows PowerShell for your operating system from the Microsoft Download Center:
Windows Azure Active Directory Module for Windows PowerShell (32-bit version)
Windows Azure Active Directory Module for Windows PowerShell (64-bit version)

Start the Windows Azure Active Directory Module for Windows PowerShell

Connect to Windows Azure Active Directory

Type connect-msolservice …and log in with your admin account
Review: the TechNet Article for a list of available commands

Run the following command to GET a specific user's Password Expiration Policy:
Get-MSOLUser -UserPrincipalName | Select PasswordNeverExpires

Run the following command to GET ALL User's Password Expiration Policy:

Get-MSOLUser | Select UserPrincipalName, PasswordNeverExpires
Run the following command to SET a User's Password Expiration Policy:

Set-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName [ -PasswordNeverExpires $true

TIP: if you love Get-Help then you will need to add it: 

To create a folder for help, list the cmdlets, and then open the file in notepad, you can run the following commands at the Windows PowerShell command prompt:
new-item c:\MSOLHelp -type directory
get-command | Where-Object {$ -like "*msol*"} | format-list | Out-File c:\MSOLHelp\msolcmdlets.txt
notepad c:\MSOLHelp\msolcmdlets.txt

Monday, August 5, 2013

Export Solutions from farm

Recently a client 'accidentally' deleted the solutions that we installed on their farm.
Not from SharePoint, but the actual wsp files that we copied to their server. 
These are useful to have in case someone 'accidentally' removed the solution.
We can recover installed solutions from Powershell.

$dirName = "e:\exportedfiles"

foreach ($solution in Get-SPSolution)
$id = $Solution.SolutionID
$title = $Solution.Name
$filename = $Solution.SolutionFile.Name

try {
Write-Host " – done" -foreground green
Write-Host " – error : $_" -foreground red

This will populate your $dirName with wsp files from the farm.Files are now back, and you dont need to restore the VM!

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

SharePoint 2013 dbghelp.dll issue

SQL Event logging dbghelp.dll messages every second, or multiple msgs per second.

Reduce the time they are logged.

The Database Performance Metric Timer Job runs every minute. This was throwing the message into SQL. This appears to be a bug with SharePoint 2013 on premise. The 'workaround' is to Change the frequency of the Timer Job to Daily, rather than the default of every minute.

I found this to be the most helpful post and provided the person that had incorrectly set the Answered post with an update to the lower most post marked as Helpful that actually resolved this.

By "reduced" I mean until midnight when the Timer job associated with the issue will run again. 

Thursday, July 11, 2013

XSLT Problem with Windows KB2844286

If you have any clients on the Automatic Tuesday Windows Update cycle, and they are running SharePoint on premise, please be aware of a critical issue that occurred at one of our clients as a result of the June 11th Updates that were installed last night.

It will be very obvious, the WebPart Header will display OK, but all contents in the webpart disappear and will instead show an error

Error while executing web part: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at System.Xml.Xsl.XslCompiledTransform.Load(MethodInfo executeMethod, Byte[] queryData, Type[] earlyBoundTypes) at Microsoft.Xslt.STransform.GetCompiledTransform() at Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.BaseXsltListWebPart.LoadXslCompiledTransform(WSSXmlUrlResolver someXmlResolver) at Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.DataFormWebPart.GetXslCompiledTransform() at Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.DataFormWebPart.PrepareAndPerformTransform(Boolean bDeferExecuteTransform) 5962a0e6-2114-4dad-9682-5b327c6e47e1

The Solution
Go To Control Panel, Programs> Programs and Features > View installed Updates
In the Windows section, find Windows KB2844286
Uninstall it. (And you may want to disable Automatic Updates)

open elevated Command Prompt and run IISRESET

Friday, June 7, 2013

PowerShell Online

Set up the SharePoint Online Management Shell environment for SharePoint Online global administrators.
Love It!

Perform the following:

Try it out! For example, run Get-SPOSite to get a list of all sites.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Open in Windows Explorer not available after IE10 update

The “Open with Windows Explorer” feature for a library no longer works on your SharePoint site

We usually put the company SharePoint site in the Intranet Zone.
For some bizarre reason, MSFT decided that in IE10 they are going to force Compatibility View on all sites in this zone.

In IE, go to Tools> Compatibility View settings:
1. Remove any sites in there that you don’t want in there
2. Uncheck Display intranet sites in Compatibility View

3. I prefer to uncheck that last interesting one, as I would rather MSFT did not decide what list of sites should be placed here for me.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Get the site contents size in PowerShell

Love this!
Get the site contents size. Particularly useful in prep for a move.

Get-SPSite | select url, @{label="Size in MB";Expression={$}} | Sort-Object -Descending -Property "Size in MB" | ConvertTo-Html "Site Colleections sort by size" | Set-Content sitesize.html

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Last User Login to Current Computer

Last User Login to Current Computer. Love this. Give me a list of domain users and their last login time to the current computer.

$data = @()
$NetLogs = Get-WmiObject Win32_NetworkLoginProfile
foreach ($NetLog in $NetLogs) {
if ($NetLog.LastLogon -match "(\d{14})") {
$row = "" | Select Name,LogonTime
$row.Name = $NetLog.Name
$row.LogonTime=[datetime]::ParseExact($matches[0], "yyyyMMddHHmmss", $null)
$data += $row


Last Windows Domain logon time

Last Windows Logon Time
Love this.
This script uses the DirectorySearcher object to search for all users in Active directory. It then walks through the user accounts and determines the last logon date. 
The key point of the script is translating the [int64] number into something that can be read.

$searcher = New-Object DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher([adsi]"")
$searcher.filter = "(objectclass=user)"
$users = $searcher.findall()
Foreach($user in $users)
if($"lastLogon") -ne 0)
$a = [datetime]::FromFileTime([int64]::Parse($"lastLogon")))
"$($`"name`")) $a"


Got this from the Technet script center:

Monday, January 7, 2013

Lync Mobile Client setup

Lync Mobile Client setup

Download the Microsoft Lync 2010 for iPhone client from the App Store.
Or the Lync App in the Windows App Store

Address field
Password field Your AD password
Tap the More Details link.
Username field
AutoDetectServer ON

Tap the Sign In button.
Select You and tap Next.
Type your mobile phone number and tap Next.

Tap Done. 

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Mapping a network drive in Office 365

Authentication requirements and steps required to map a network drive in Office 365 SharePoint.

1. Login to the Portal

Sign in to the SharePoint Online site by using your Office 365 credentials. Make sure that you click to select the Keep me signed in check box. This is important because you need to be (and stay) authenticated via the web portal to access the SharePoint document library via a mapped drive.

2. Click Start, Right-click Computer, and then click Map Network Drive

3. Click the "Connect to a Web site that you can store your documents and pictures" link, and then click Next two times.

4. Type the site URL, click Next, and then follow the instructions in the wizard.

Depending on your permissions level you may need to map to a document library level

5. Remove the tick from "automatically detect settings" in your proxy settings page (found in the connections tab in Internet options).

This Really makes a big difference to folder traversal in explorer.


If you encounter issues with the mapped drive disconnecting follow these steps

Make sure that you are authenticated to Office 365. To do this, follow these steps:

1. Sign in to the SharePoint Online site by using your Office 365 credentials, and make sure that you click to select the Keep me signed in check box.

2. Open a document library in Explorer View.
3. Try to access the mapped network drive.

If you are authenticated to Office 365 and the issue persists, make sure that an entry for SharePoint is added to the Trusted sites zone in Windows Internet Explorer. To do this, follow these steps:

1. On the Tools menu In Internet Explorer, click Internet options.

2. Click the Security tab, click the Trusted sites zone, and then click Sites.
3. Verify that the following entries are listed in the Websites list:


4. If these entries are not present, add them to the Trusted sites list of websites.
5. Click the Local intranet zone, click Sites, and then click Advanced.
6. Verify that the following entries are listed in the Websites list:

• *
• *
• *
• *

7. If these entries are not present, add them to the Local intranet zone list of websites.