Friday, July 29, 2011

That's Why I Use SharePoint!

Have you ever wanted to get all your network file shared documents into one location so you and your team can always remember where they are?  Or simply...just be able to search them and find them easily? 
I certainly have!
That’s just one of the benefits you will get by providing a SharePoint site to your company.

At one of our recent client engagements, we took all the critical documents from a network file share and uploaded them to SharePoint document libraries. We added metadata to the files to make finding them easier to find, and on some of docs we created notification alerts to notify a select group of users if something in the document changed. Once the SharePoint library was up to date, we walked over to the IT department manager and told him they can unplug the network file share machine and re-provision it, and while they are at it, remove the server from their backups. When they asked "..but what if someone wants to recall an older version from a backup?" We told them about the versioning capabilities that are inherent to document storage in SharePoint. This made them practically jump for joy.

If that cost savings was not enough, we then implemented the use of Tasks and Workflow in SharePoint to replace their current Project Management System. At this company, Project Management was defined as "email me your status report and I will cut and paste it into the Excel that is stored on the network fileshare ". Yep, less e-mail cluttering the inbox is always a good thing, right?

Whether you have not yet adopted SharePoint in your office or have had it forever and want to learn best use case scenarios, this new site called I Use SharePoint created by the Microsoft SharePoint Team was designed to inspire everyday business users to do more with SharePoint 2010 by demonstrating real world business cases.

This site contains adoption kits to help you get more out of SharePoint, templates, webisodes, how to videos, tips and tricks and quick reference sheets.
There are a number of real world benefits to SharePoint.

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